In light of continuing my research into my area of interest, eduction and the position artists have within it, I have decided to begin reflecting on what I have researched previously to decide where I am going forward into my next essay task. Although I envision the subject matter being similar, I want to outline all of the areas I have looked into for my proposal and presentation to see where I need to research next. I have begun doing this in note form to try and achieve a full idea of the themes I have looked into and begin making connections to what I need to research next. This will also help my write a full reflection on this aspect of my practice.
Below I have included my extensive notes into my research, and will be adding to this in future blog posts. I have written small summaries about each aspect that I found particularly important to my area of research and how it affects other aspects of what I have collated. I have found that much of the issues within the education system inhibit the use of artists in sites for learning, with this issue occurring at many different levels of education. Issues in one area of the discussion have a knock on effect for other areas, showing that there are many flaws in the system. I have also made note of what I deem my practice to be, to continuously remind myself how my practice and research area have links.