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Online Learning Platform Website Planning - Documenting how the format of the website works along...

Online Learning Platform Website Planning - Documenting how the format of the website works alongside the format of the workshop

Although the workshop has not been fully completed in terms of its planning and format, I have decided to begin to document how the website will be formatted in order to make better decisions when writing the next stage of the workshop. As I am in the stages of writing and testing the exercises for the workshop to find the best ones in terms of importance and usability, I think the website needs to be planned at the same time, albeit in its very early stages. I think it will show how I am considering all aspects of the online learning platform and how I am trying to deliver something with easy usability but that is still very effective to use.

I have decided to plan this website as if I am splitting the workshops up into ‘sessions’. This is so they can be managed easily for the student, where they can learn about an aspect of the arts in a way that is manageable and not too overwhelming in terms of its length or difficulty. I have taken this idea from some basic research into other artists who use online platforms to teach others and found that the workshops are more successful if they are in manageable sections, of no longer than 20-40 minutes at a time. That way, students do not lose interest or find it too unmanageable to follow properly. I intend to do some in-depth research into different platforms that work effectively in the future of my project in order that I have an informed understanding on the best methods of formatting my workshops in an effective manner. Having a further understanding of how other artists create similar subject matter and present it online will only improve the overall outcome of my online learning platform.

It is my intention to look into a number of areas for the website such as:

  • how to present each workshop I add: finding ways to group sessions together so it clearly indicates which workshop is which is an important factor to consider for easy navigation.

  • Having all of the relevant content (written, video and image resources) all together to make sure if a student needs a relevant video for a task it is with the written materials

  • Having a bright, colourful but professional website: layout and colour scheme is also important to make the website inviting and interesting. However, it needs to be balanced with the content to make it complement the workshops and further information

  • Having a platform that makes the videos easy to upload and show to a wide group of people.

I believe there will be more areas I look into, however this is a good start that I can build on with further research and analysis of other artist’s work and platforms. Overall I feel this is a good start for me to think about the website alongside completing my first workshop of the project.

Below are some rough initial sketches of the format I would like to begin planning around.

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