Here, I have begun drafting my initial selection of e-resources that will form the basis of my first workshop into one point perspective. I have based this selection of e-resources on both my research and my intended plan from a previous blog post. I wanted the sheets to be clear, illustrated but also have a more informative approach that didn't initially overwhelm the participant. I think having e-resources such as this as the main part of the workshop content will allow me to add more personal elements to it later. Things such as video and picture based tutorials and 'draw along with me' style videos are all things I would like to add to the written content over time to build up a bank of information, tips and skill building content. I will make these worksheet-style resources easy to print on the website, along with the video content.
Below are the e-resources I have made in light of my research and one of my intended workshop themes:
Overall, I am really pleased with the outcome of these worksheets. I feel that they have a good balance of being interesting and informative without being too overwhelming. I think that the format of having three tasks that gradually build on each other helps the participant develop the understanding of the skill or fundamental gradually and manageably without it being too difficult to do by themselves. The e-resources I have made also hint to more tutorial based content, specifically in task 3, which leaves it open for me to develop on each workshop with more video content, should I want to. However, I do want to make improvements on the photographs and references used in the resources. It has shown me that I need to take more of a diverse amount of images while looking for my own references for work. This will help me create better resources and give people the visual aids to try my workshops at home. All in all I think this has been a good starting point.